What should I bring to the hospital?
o Cell phone and charger
o Camera and charger
o Birth plan
o Contact list for after baby’s birth
o Tooth paste and tooth brush
o Hairbrush, and ties or clips
o Cosmetics and toiletries
o Nightgown
o Robe
o Maternity Bras for breast feeding
o Underwear
o Warm socks or slippers
o Going home clothes
o Rice sock
o Lip balm (no scent!)
o Eyeglasses or contacts, and solution for contacts
o Books or videos
o Music (tapes or CD's ) and player
o Clothes for baby
o Baby blanket
o Car seat
o Baby sling
o Diapers
o Snacks for birth partner.
o Juice, popsicles, or other clear fluids for mom.
o Money for incidentals